Order your Sod today!
Get expert fresh sod installation delivered to your property with just a few simple clicks!
Sod Installation and Delivery Services
At Sunshine Property Services, we offer services for both installing and delivering sod grass sourced directly from our sod farms. Our range includes St. Augustine, Bahia, and Bermuda Sod varieties.
Elevate the visual charm of your landscaping with fresh sod grass, fulfilling the curb appeal desires you've long envisioned. Sunshine Property Services stands as the forefront enterprise for sod lawns in the Miami, Broward, and Palm Beach area. Unwavering in our dedication to cater to your distinct landscaping aspirations through individualized attention and top-tier fresh grass quality.
For a span exceeding 30 years, we've taken immense pride in furnishing South Florida landscapes with superior sod solutions, infusing their lawns with a rejuvenated, pristine aura that demands minimal upkeep. Ranging from competitive pricing to the warm, personalized care, we'll guide you in selecting the ideal sod variety for your commercial or residential application, subsequently executing an installation that bestows an awe-inspiring visage upon your lawn.
Whether the installation of sod grass on your South Florida property beckons or you're considering a DIY approach, our commitment transcends norms to ensure your contentment with our service and your transformative new sod lawn.

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2790 South Flamingo Road Davie Fl 33330
© 2023 by Broward Sunshine
Property Services